Fireworks in particular are a popular Halloween annoyance, and the nights leading up to Halloween are peppered with explosions. It didn't really bother us much until we got Molly, who, like many dogs, is absolutely terrified of fireworks. Last Halloween was especially hard on her, as there were an exceptional amount of explosions going on. Tinky doesn't seem to be as effected by them, but he does take his cues from Molly. Long story short, they did a lot of barking, and I got a headache. I thought that I had stumbled upon a solution when I found a "Sounds of Nature" radio station on the television for them to listen to. It drowned out the fireworks, and they seemed to like the babbling brooks, cooing doves, and ocean waves. What they didn't like at all was when the whales chimed in. Back to barking!
What I'm essentially getting at is that, although Halloween is lots of fun for humans, even some of the more innocent parts of Halloween can be really hard on pets (think costumes, candy and trick or treaters). Luckily, there are some great online resources to advise you on how to keep your furry friends safe, happy, and calm during the Halloween weekend:
- Martha has a great article on Halloween Hazards
- The ASPCA's list of Halloween Safety Tips has lots of great advice on everything from candy to costumes.
- The Dog Whisperer Cesar Milan's website Cesar's Way has a great post on how to have A Calm and Balanced Yowl-o-ween.
Have a great weekend! I'll be back on Monday as the countdown to Halloween continues!
the first sound of fireworks and my doggie heads for her kennel and doesn't come out till its all over.. works for both of us.. she loves her kennel...Happy Halloween...Sue