It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

 "The dog is the god of frolic."
-Henry Beecher Ward.

Yesterday was one of those perfect, magical days that really made you feel like the holidays are just around the corner.  Snow had been falling steadily since Wednesday and our world was encapsulated in white.  A trip to the local grocery store revealed that the first load of Christmas trees had arrived, and the entire parking lot smelled festive.  Inside the store, I noted that the "Christmas Foods" had made their annual appearance.  You know the ones I mean, fancy chocolates and cheeses and fascinating breads that only appear during the holiday season.  Storefronts and homes and telephone poles were suddenly alight with Christmas cheer.  We'd even attended our first festive party of the season earlier in the week.

There was just one thing left to do to put us in the Christmas mood...

Walk the dogs in the snow, of course!

If you can resist the sheer joy that is a dog in the snow, then you are made of tougher stuff than I.  Molly is and always has been a winter dog; she handles the cold extremely well and is very agile in the snow.  Our Tinky is all heart and gives it his all; despite his wee size he can hold his own in the snow, even if he does require a bit more coddling once he is home.

Once my pups were warm and fed, I settled in for an evening of Christmas crafting set to my favorite holiday mix.  The scent of cinnamon berry candles filled the air; My world was bursting with Christmas!  God bless us, everyone!

What little rituals or traditions do you follow to put you in the Christmas mood?  Is it something you can plan for, or do the stars have to align?  Share in the comments!

A Happy (if belated!) Thanksgiving to my dear American friends!  I hope you had all the turkey and pumpkin pie you could hold and that you are having a wonderful time at the Black Friday sales!

NB - For those of you concerned that Molly has shrunk, have no fear!  This is an old, old picture of her from when she was a puppy.  I promise to take some newer ones soon!

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